Friday, April 22, 2011


     I have been here in Kona for two weeks now, and already I have had so many amazing experiences. I am excited to share some of these experiences with all of you, but right now I am just going to share some thoughts on a book I just finished. It is 11:30 pm and this book report is due tomorrow. Oops, I am praying for healing in the area of my extreme procrastination.
     The title of the book is Is That Really You, God? written by Loren Cunningham and his sister Janice Rogers. In case you don't already know, Loren Cunningham and his wife Darlene are the founders of Youth With a Mission. I would not be doing what I am doing today if it was not for the obedience of these two very inspiring people. It all started with a vision Loren had while in the Bahamas. He saw waves of young people going into the nations of the World telling people about Jesus. What began as a vision quickly became a reality. Loren talks about how he envisioned the youth going into the world not just being added to every year, but multiplying, and this is exactly what has happened and is still happening.
     I learned quite a bit in reading this book. One thing that really struck me is the fact that it doesn't necessarily take an extraordinary person to do something extraordinary. But rather, it takes listening to God and being obedient. It's amazing to read stories of what God can do if we only just listen and obey. Another thing I found interesting was what Loren refers to as the Wise Men Principle. The Wise Men Principle is confirmation when listening to God speak. The wise men who followed a star to the birthplace of Jesus all heard separately where to go, and they were all led to the same place. Many times, God will speak the same thing to different people.
     This book is incredibly inspiring and really made me think. I am actually still pondering and processing on a lot of what I read. If you haven't read this, I would highly recommend you do so!

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